We love the seasons

Can you imagine a life without the privilege of having different seasons? We can`t

Summer is over, but will return Now we wait for magic of winter and the fruit trees finally get some res

The farm shop is closed in january 
We open on request on weekdays between 10-16h
  by text to nr 91145980


We love the

Can you imagine a life without the privilege of having different seasons?
We can`t

Summer is over, but will return
Now we wait for magic of winter
and the fruit trees finally get some rest

The farm shop is closed in january 
We open on request on weekdays between 10-16h
  by text to nr 91145980 

Our kitchen is also resting and will re-open in May

Visit the brewery and farmshop

The Garden restaurant and bar
is now closed for the season.
We open again in May 2025. 

Do you have a restaurant, cafè, bar or something in between and want to serve our products?

Send a mail to bestilling@olkompani.no

Or call
99107842 (Rut)
91145980 (Ingeborg)


In the summer tourists are welcome to the farm. The bar and Garden Restaurant is open at weekends from the end of May. From St.Hans we have open every day (except Sundays). 

Enjoy a glass and eat lunch in the Garden Restaurant, take a walk in the orchard or have a look around the brewery and the cider- and beer cellar.